Information For Authors

Aims and Scope

The Italian Journal of Economic, Demographic and Statistical Studies-Rivista Italiana di Economia Demografia e Statistica (RIEDS) is the official quarterly peer-reviewed  journal of the Italian society of economics demography and statistics (SIEDS - Società Italiana di Economia Demografia e Statistica).

Being an open access academic journal, it covers all aspects of economics, demography, and statistics. The journal was established in 1947 as the Rivista italiana di demografia e statistica and acquired its final name in 1950. 

The RIEDS covers research in statistics (methodology and applications) and substantive studies in all fields of social science broadly conceived (economics, sociology, demography, planning, geography, environmental science and related topics). It publishes high quality contributions addressing specific research questions in all the scientific areas mentioned above, as well as methodological and technical issues.


How to submit a paper to RIEDS

General Rules:

Authors are required to ensure that their paper is formatted precisely as laid out in the journal's style guide. Manuscripts must be typed with MS Word software (DOCX format), formatted using the Microsoft Word template available here and comply with the following restrictions:

  • twelve (12) printed pagesor less including tables, figures, appendices and references;
  • written inEnglish;
  • Font Times New Roman, Format 11pt. Page should be single line spaced (5.8 cm for top and bottom margins; 4 cm for the right and left margin; 0.5 cm indentation in the first line; justified text);
  • Sections and subsections should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals (as in section 1. and subsection 1.2). Section headings should be in bold;
  • Figures and tables should be included within the manuscript in the correct place where this is feasible. Please do not substitute text such as “figure 1 about here”.

The manuscript should be arranged in the following order:

Paragraphs (Progressively numbered)

Further indications:

Equations: Numbers for displayed equations should be placed in parentheses at the right margin. References to equations should use the form “(3)”.

Footnotes: Footnotes should be used sparingly and should be identified by superscripted Arabic numerals in order of their appearance.

Abbreviations: Abbreviations should be defined in parentheses the first time they appear in the abstract, main text, and in figure or table captions and used consistently thereafter.

Tables and Figures: Illustrations must be placed in the body of the text by the author. The text must explicitly refer to the illustration. Each table and illustration must be numbered consecutively and have a title. Put a caption if necessary. Titles of illustrations must be placed above. Legends must be placed under illustrations.

Acknowledgements: All persons who make a substantial contribution to a paper without fulfilling the criteria for authorship should be acknowledged, usually in an acknowledgement section specifying their contribution. Use this section also for citing funding(s).

References: Bibliographic references should be placed at the end of the article, in alphabetical order. Only works mentioned in the text are to be placed in the Bibliography. Please conform to the following recommendations:

To reference a book, indicate:
Author’s name followed by initial(s) of 1st name(s) in capital letters then year of publication. Title of the Book. Place of publishing: Publisher.

BERAN J. 1994. Statistics for long memory time processes. New York: Chapman and Hall.

To reference a journal article, indicate:
Author’s name followed by initial(s) of 1st name(s) in capital letters then year of publication. Title of the article, Title of the Journal, volume, first and last page of the article.

FOSTER J.E., MCGILLIVRAY M., SETH S. 2013. Composite Indices: Rank Robustness, Statistical Association, and Redundancy, Econometric Reviews, Vol. 32, No.1, pp. 35-56.

To reference a contribution in a collective book, indicate:
Name or names of author(s) followed by the initial(s) of the 1st name(s) in capitals then year of publication. Title of the contribution. Editors Title of the book, Volume, place of publishing, first and last page of the article.

DEAN J.M., LOVELY M.E. 2010. Trade growth, production fragmentation, and China’s environment. In Feenstra R.C. and Shang-jin W. (Eds.) China’s Growing Role in World Trade, The University of Chicago Press, pp. 429-469.

To reference a working paper, indicate:
Name or names of author(s) followed by the initial(s) of the 1st name(s) in capitals then year of publication. Title of the contribution. Working paper Number, place of publishing.

KAPETANIOS G., PSARADAKIS Z. 2006. Sieve Bootstrap for Strongly Dependent Stationary Processes. Working Papers 552, Queen Mary University of London, School of Economics and Finance.

To reference a conference paper, indicate:
Name or names of author(s) followed by the initial(s) of the 1st name(s) in capitals then year of publication. Title of the contribution. In Proceedings, Volume, place of publishing, first and last page of the article.

KÜNSCH, H.R. 1987. Statistical aspects of self-similar processes. In Proceedings of the 1st World Congress of Bernoulli Society, Vol. 1, Utrecht: VNU Science Press, pp.67-74.