IN.C.I.P.I.T. and Eleutheria: analysis of two emersion, assistance and social inclusion projects in the fight against trafficking in human beings in the Calabria Region


  • Pietro Iaquinta Università della Calabria
  • Edith Macrì Regione Calabria
  • Elita Anna Sabella Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro


Trafficking in human beings is a transnational crime. This article aims to contribute to the reflection on the dramatic phenomenon of human trafficking from a different point of view, by studying the actions implemented in order to fight it. Specifically, within the territory of the Calabria Region, two projects, among others, have been carried out to fight the trafficking in human beings, which have been financed as part of the protection and social integration programs and first aid: Eleutheria (2011-2016) and In.C.I.P.I.T. (2016-2021). This work analyzes the project data, provided by the Immigration, New Marginality and Social Inclusion Sector - Anti-Discrimination Center and Civil Service of the Calabria Region, relating to the second initiative, In.C.I.P.I.T. The period under consideration is between 1 March 2019 and 31 May 2020. This is a time window deemed of interest also due to the pandemic in progress in the last quarter of observation, an event which has imposed a redefinition of times, places, and the ways in which project actions are implemented. The data concern many aspects of the project action: a preliminary description of some of the activities implemented to ensure assistance and protection for people who have experienced trafficking, followed by the analysis of the users who benefited from it.





