A study of the phenomenon of covid-19 epidemiological risk


  • Tommaso Brancati
  • Francesco Dell’Orco
  • Stefania Fivizzani
  • Veronica Iacono
  • Luana Sbardella


Epidemiology is a word coming from the greek ἐπί, «over», δῆμος, «people», and λόγος, «speech, study» therefore it literally means "study of everything happens over the people". According to the explanation of the World Health Organization, “epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states and events, and the e the application of this study to the control of diseases and other health problems7”. Primary goals of epidemiology are: - - Limiting the disease spread within a community; Studying the disease etiology and the contagion modes. The purpose of this paper is to proof that some of the facts the common man thinks to be the most common epidemiological risk factors, like air pollution, mobility, population density and seniority, observed within the italian province capital cities, are not related to the covid 19 spread. To reach this goal a composite index has been realized and it has been compared with a covid incidence rate, proofing that a correlation between these two indexes does not exist. The composite index has been realized using the PM10 rate, the N





