Methods, measures and policies for a generative and resilient recovery


  • Leonardo Becchetti University of Rome Tor Vergata
  • Massimo Cermelli Deusto Business School University of Deusto


A main lesson of the COVID-19 pandemics is that global public bad problems, such as the pandemics and global warming, can be properly addressed only with the concurring action of four “hands” (market mechanisms, responsible business, active citizenship and enlightened institutions leveraging the best energies of companies and the civil society) in order to address jointly market and institutional failures. In the paper we explain how this approach can be applied and what are its challenges in terms of methodological approaches and indicators. More specifically we envisage three main frontiers: i) definition of generativity-based wellbeing indicators as a step ahead beyond the traditional multidimensional wellbeing approach; ii) construction of “living” sustainability indexes easing access of SMEs to sustainable development; iii) Do Not Substantially Harm (DNSH) indicators measuring “green Pareto improvement” in investment, consistent with the ecological transition goal of net zero emissions by 2050





