The Demographic trap of Italian cities. A multidimensional analysis
Depopulation, CITY, MULTIDIMENSIONAL, INDICATORS, Permanent CensusAbstract
One of the main effects of the demographic crisis facing Italy is the depopulation of entire areas of our country. In 2023, the Italian population fell by 180,000 due to a decline in births and an increase in deaths. The aim of this paper is to analyze the phenomenon of depopulation provincial capitals in recent years, using data from the Istat Census of Population and Housing. The impact of the various components that contribute annually to the population balance in the different areas of the country is assessed. In particular, through an exploratory and multidimensional analysis of the phenomenon, the aim is to identify the main characteristics of demographic decline and the existence of territorial imbalances. The level of fragility of the municipalities is also highlighted which aims to identify the provincial capitals most exposed to environmental and socio-economic risk factors.
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