Robustness techniques for the evaluation of municipal data: an example on the "A misura di Comune" information system


  • Agata Maria Madia Carucci istat
  • Valeria Marzocca Istat
  • Roberto Antonello Palumbo Istat



The “A misura di Comune” information system is the result of the “Misure di benessere e programmazione a livello comunale” project started in 2016 and it was created with the explicit objective of supporting public decision-makers in intercepting the needs of a territory. Through a complex set of indicators useful for the planning, programming and management tasks of Local Authorities, it is also a support tool for the preparation of the Single Programming Document (SDP).

In this work, after having presented the main methods of collecting statistical information, the robustness techniques of the proposed indicators will be analysed.

From 2022, the indicators are widespread in a time series and therefore alignment with the new geography and robustness analysis of the indicator are necessary annually not only in cross-sectional terms but also longitudinally. In particular, the robustness tests of the indicators depend on the type of indicator produced and three examples will be presented in this work.


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