Well-being at school


  • Nidia Batic Università di Udine




Well-being at school, Discomfort at school, Improve well-being at school, Action-research


The concept of personal well-being is multidimensional and encompasses both objective (economic, cultural, environmental, physical) and subjective (psychological, emotional, affective, socio-relational) conditions experienced by the individual. Numerous studies have confirmed the existence of a strong positive relationship between classroom climate and well-being, as well as between well-being and learning. This research is part of an action research framework and does not aim to draw inferential conclusions. Based on the assumption that any discomfort arising within a classroom must first be analyzed (research) and subsequently addressed through targeted interventions (action), the focus of this study was on the social and relational dimensions of well-being in the classroom.

Between February and April 2024, a non-probability sample of 553 children from third, fourth, and fifth grades in several primary schools in the northeast was surveyed using a structured questionnaire with 15 questions. The practical implications of this research are significant, as children provide clear insights into the conditions that foster their well-being. These findings offer valuable guidance for teachers and students alike on the actions that can be taken to improve classroom quality of life, and consequently, enhance learning outcomes.


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