A multidimensional analysis for monitoring environmental health in Italy


  • Giuseppe Lecardane Istat
  • Flora Fullone Istat
  • Monica Carbonara Istat


In the last few years, attention and sensibility towards problems relating to environmental issues has grown. Consequences of climate change, reduction of water resources, urban pollution and other manifestations of environmental crisis transversally affects the life and activities of human beings. In this work some main indicators for the assessment of environmental quality in the national territory are analysed. The complex and multidimensional nature of environmental phenomena has required identification, selection and measurement of a series of indicators relating to 6 macro areas (geological and natural risks, consumption, emissions, waste, protected areas, sustainability and environmental certification) to the implementation of more effective and incisive information and operational programs in the area. Given multidimensionality of the phenomena, having analyzed and described the individual dimensions, a multivariate synthesis analysis was carried out to compare the state of environmental health at a regional level. The results show that the negative impact on the environment is in all Italian regions but is stronger in southern Italy. It is a study that offers in-depth insights to subjects engaged in development policies in compliance with environmental sustainability.





