The new monitoring of the detection “anthropic pressure and natural risks” summary indicators compared as tools for measuring the data collection of the extraction


  • Lucia Mongelli
  • Sabrina Angiona
  • Barbara Boninfante
  • Valentino Parisi
  • Stefano Moscatelli
  • Barbara Stobbia


The survey “Anthropic pressure and natural risks” on mining activities from quarries and mines aims to update every year the Istat Mining Database on the extraction activities of non-energy mineral resources, natural mineral waters and thermal waters censusing the authorized extraction sites situated in Italy. Istat carries out the survey through two thematic survey models: - Quarries and mines: solid non energy mineral resources: - Natural mineral waters and thermal waters. For the first time a monitoring system was developed with the processing of the data collected through the GINO++ platform. In the latest edition of the survey, an additional tool was introduced to control the sending of data from all the expected sites, from each institution, through the use of the site identification code. Where the site identification code was not unique, other identifiers based on the combination of other variables collected, were created ad hoc. This innovation had contributed to raise of the survey’s response rate of eight percentage points both in relation to the number of respondents and the number of completed questionnaires compared to those expected.





