Reaching the unreachable. Innovative strategies to approach hard-to-reach populations


  • Nadia Nur Istat
  • Federico Di Leo Istat


This paper presents an overview of the methodological approaches used by Istat to study hard-to-reach populations, focusing on Roma and Sinti people living in settlements and the homeless in Rome. These populations, characterized by their marginal status and preference for anonymity, challenge traditional sampling methods, necessitating innovative strategies. Our objective is to outline and compare innovative methodological strategies that Istat is implementing to carry on: a) a survey on housing conditions and social inclusion of Roma and Sinti people living in settlements; b) a count/survey of homeless people. For the Roma and Sinti survey, we employ a random walk technique for household selection in settlements, relying on self-identification and specific guidelines for contacting households. In contrast, the homeless count utilizes a point-in-time approach to estimate demographic and social characteristics. This involves a "snapshot" count conducted in a high-density homeless neighborhood. By comparing these methodologies, we aim to contribute to the advancement of official statistics in the realm of investigating hard-to-reach communities.





