Gender gap of Italian region: a synthetic index propoposal


  • Daniela Fusco Istat
  • Maria A. Liguori Istat
  • Margherita M. Pagliuca Università degli studi di Napoli Parthenope


Gender stereotypes are deeply ingrained in our culture and are a root cause of gender inequalities. Gender stereotypes can limit ability and aspirations to choose a field of study or training, pursue a professional career, and make simple life choices, like picking a hobby. Although inequalities still exist, the EU has made significant progress in gender equality over the last decades. There are numerous indices built for measure gender gap. In 2013, European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) released the Gender Equality Index (GEI), created to assess the levels of gender equality in Europe based on EU policies. This index is currently based on seven domains: work and money, knowledge, time, power, health, trust and safety, quality and life satisfaction. Our work intends to identify a measurement of the gender inequalities in the Italian region and the changes caused by COVID-19 pandemic. Starting from the domains proposed by the GEI, integrated with some of the indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), eight dimensions were identified and a ninth of a more specific nature was added, called "Gender-based violence".


