Quality assessment of statistical information services. an exploratory analysis with Rasch model


  • Giuseppe Lecardane Istat


The quality has now assumed a primary position in the field of research and statistical information. Quality aspects of the statistical organization and production is essential to collect valuable information and identify service dimensions. The exploratory analysis with the Rasch method concerns the qualitative and functionality assessment of service and territorial structures through satisfaction degree expressed by thematic referents. Rasch model has proved to be useful for diagnostics of service quality and allows valid and reliable information on the production and organizational process with analysis of strengths and weaknesses. Qualitative survey results show organizational skills of the statistical offices and referents to produce the data. In other words, it is argued that perceived quality depends on organizational variables of a soft type (organizational climate, human resources, knowledge) rather than a system one (structures and/or processes). The objective of the study is exploratory to define specific measures aimed at improving the statistical function within the National Statistical System.


