An analysis of labour cost policies through statistical registers


  • Sara Gigante Istat
  • Silvia Pacini Istat


The RACLI Register, now being included in the Labour Register, with information on employment, hours, wages and social contributions at job level for the subpopulation of jobs in the private non-agricultural sectors’ enterprises is a useful tool for the monitoring and evaluation of the labour market policies. This micro level employer employee longitudinal database allows deep analyses in particular for the evaluation of contributions reduction’ measures thanks to the recent estimation of social contributions (total and distinguished by employer and employee social contributions) and the track of all related cost items at job level. These analyses are reliable thanks to a metadata driven process based on an integrated dynamic metadata system designed and implemented to achieve the dual purpose of interfacing with the administrative sources and their continuous changing over time and with the system of statistical production (surveys and registers). This paper aims to illustrate the potential of the register as a suitable instrument for conducting studies on the implementation and effects of labour market policies and to explore the impact on wages in addition to those linked to employment. First results, according to the characteristics of jobs, workers and employers, for the reference years 2016–2020 are presented.


