Evaluating computer-assisted questionnaire usability: the case of permanent census of the population and housing


  • Sabrina Barcherini Istat
  • Katia Bontempi Istat
  • Manuela Bussola Istat
  • Barbara Maria Rosa Lorè Istat
  • Simona Rosati Istat


This paper examines the optimization of a questionnaire, aiming to simplifying the respondent’s task and improving data quality. Various methods, including pre-testing techniques and paradata analysis, are utilized to evaluate the survey tool’s content, usability, and functionality. Focusing on the Census of the Population and Housing questionnaire, the study analyzes data from 2019 and 2021 to assess the impact of usability optimization on reducing completion difficulties. Findings demonstrate the effectiveness of the usability solutions implemented in alleviating critical issues and addressing respondents’ difficulties in completing the questionnaire. An analysis based on regression methods has been used to classify households according to their dependence on external help to complete the questionnaire.


