Statistical register of places: opportunities for sustainable and climate change related indicators


  • Damiano Abbatini Istat
  • Tiziana Clary Istat
  • Raffaella Chiocchini Istat
  • Davide Fardelli Istat
  • Angela Ferruzza Istat
  • Luisa Franconi Istat
  • Fabio Lipizzi Istat
  • Stefania Lucchetti Istat
  • Stefano Mugnoli Istat
  • Enrico Orsini Istat
  • Andrea Pagano Istat
  • Alberto Sabbi Istat
  • Gianluigi Salvucci Istat
  • Assunta Sera Istat
  • Pina Ticca Istat


Statistical information related to Climate Change and Sustainability ask for an integrated approach related to economic, social, environmental and institutional goals, from global to local and from local to global to leave no one behind. The statistical measures are useful to build a common language crucial for monitoring. The Register of places is a complex system with several components. The challenge is the production of spatial information able to respond to the heightened need of detail statistical data. The construction process is complex and faces several issues first of all the very high number of objects involved and the integration of components stemming from different sources independent from each other. The final integrated product allows the possibility of geo-referencing information for flexible outputs. This information has the potential to increase statistical measures and analyses related to Climate Change and sustainability.


