Human resources recruitment in Italian public sector post COVID 19: demographic characteristics, gender compositions, education for a new public employer branding. Focus on Istat experience


  • Michele Camisasca Istat
  • Ilaria Screpante Istat


The present study aims to examine the attractiveness of the Public Administration to young generations and technical-scientific professional profiles, with specific reference to the case of Istat. After observing the characteristics of public sector workers, attention is focused, in a comparative perspective, on the competitive procedures managed by FormezPA in the biennium 2021-2022 and by Istat, considering the specificity of the organization and the required professional profiles. In particular, the analysis concentrates on the demographic, educational, and professional characteristics of the applicants. The obtained results allow for reflection on the public sector's ability to attract new professionals, providing insights for the evaluation of the adopted recruitment policies.


