Measurement of daily commuting in the italian permanent population census


  • Carolina Ciccaglioni Istat
  • Loredana Di Consiglio Istat
  • Tiziana Pichiorri Istat
  • Fabrizio Solari Istat


Recently, the Italian National Statistics Institute decided to move from traditional enumeration census to a combined census, whose backbone is given by statistical registers and administrative archives. The main goal of the new census process is to provide yearly information. In this work, the estimation process for both work-related and study-related commuting is presented. Predictive modelling approach is used to produce commuting estimates. Explicitly, a multinomial logistic model is assumed. Estimates are produced at municipality level using 2019 census survey data and the information included in statistical registers and administrative archives. Results are presented, displaying the relevance of the administrative data in the estimation process.


