The end of a growing Italy. What are the conditions for well-being and development in an aging population?


  • Alessandro Rosina Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
  • Roberto Impicciatore Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna


Demographic projections indicate a significant decline in both the overall
and working-age populations, resulting in increased economic and social
dependency on older generations. This demographic shift requires strategic
planning, especially in terms of employment and social welfare systems. This paper
emphasizes the importance of policies addressing both quantitative factors (such as
increasing birth rates and immigration) and qualitative aspects (such as enhancing
workforce efficiency and integration). The paper underscores the significance of
aligning Italy's demographic strategy with successful European models. It advocates
for comprehensive measures to support family planning, create job opportunities,
and facilitate intergenerational exchange. Furthermore, we highlight the potential
contributions of an actively aging population and the concept of 'Silver Ecology' in
advancing sustainable development.


