Istat enumeration areas 2021: main features


  • Fabio Lipizzi Istat
  • Alberto Sabbi Istat
  • Stefano Mugnoli Istat
  • Marina Arcasenza Istat
  • Germana Endennani Istat


The Census Maps are an updated photograph of the territorial delimitations adopted (Enumeration areas and Urban localities) which include areas with recently built buildings. The Census Map is the representation of geographical objects that describe the settlement mosaic of the country and its evolution in the medium term, although with some approximation due to the census purposes. This new edition of the 2021 Census Maps will not be used as a basis for the collection of census data that will take place during the year, but rather for the dissemination of the sub-municipal data of 2021. The Enumeration Areas in fact, remain to distinguish exclusively the phase of dissemination of statistical data at the minimum territorial level. This new information layer as highlighted above, will be populated with data relating to the census variables. Once the whole process concluded, Census Maps 2021 will become a significant information asset for a detailed description of the Italian territorial situation.





