An exploratory survey of customer satisfaction with particular reference to the services provided by the maritime, air and border health offices (USMAF) and health care services for navigating, maritime and civil aviation personnel (SASN)


  • Vincenzo Marinello Università degli Studi di Enna “Kore”
  • Chiara Di Puma Università degli Studi di Enna “Kore”


The analysis of Customer Satisfaction as permitted to determine and monitor the perceptions of users, to identify the quality of service and health care provided by the Offices of USMAF-SASN of the Sicily region and finally to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the department under study. The paper sets out the survey carried out at the different territorial districts present within the said region. This research was conducted from July 2020 to July 2021 through the administration of a special questionnaire through the face-to-face to a random sample of 1500 users. The aspects analysed were: waiting times, the professionalism of the staff, the quality of the information received and the courtesy of the operators. The survey recorded a generally high level of user satisfaction, noting in more detail that the professionalism and courtesy of staff were indicated as the drivers of the level of quality of services rendered by this department, while waiting times and quality of information had lower averages than those related to the above dimensions.





