About the Journal
The Italian Journal of Economic, Demographic and Statistical Studies-Rivista Italiana di Economia Demografia e Statistica (RIEDS) is the official quarterly peer-reviewed journal of the Italian Society of Economics, Demography and Statistics (SIEDS - Società Italiana di Economia Demografia e Statistica).
Being an open access academic journal, it covers all aspects of Economics, Demography and Statistics. The journal was established in 1947 as the Rivista Italiana di Demografia e Statistica and acquired its final name in 1950.
The RIEDS covers research in statistics (methodology and applications) and substantive studies in all fields of social science broadly conceived (economics, sociology, demography, planning, geography, environmental science and related topics). It publishes high quality contributions addressing specific research questions in all the scientific areas mentioned above, as well as methodological and technical issues.
The journal is Open-Access.
- The journal is considered “scientific journal” for these Anvur Areas: 11, 12, 13, 14
- The journal is indexed in IDEAS/RePEC, Google Scholar, Catalogo Italiano dei Periodici ACNP, ESSPER
- The IDEAS/RePEc journal page can be accessed from here
- The ISSN of the journal is 0035-6832
How to submit a paper to RIEDS.